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A Certificate of Entitlement (COE) gives you the right to own and use a vehicle in Singapore.

At a glance

Understanding COE

To register a vehicle, you must first bid for a COE. You can bid for a COE during the open bidding exercises conducted twice a month.


Before the start of each bidding exercise, LTA will announce the vehicle quota of COEs available for each category.


When you secure a COE from the bidding exercise, you can register a vehicle and use it for 10 years.


At the end of the 10-year COE period, you can choose to deregister your vehicle or renew the COE by paying the Prevailing Quota Premium (PQP) for your vehicle category.


If you choose to deregister your vehicle before its COE expires, you may be eligible for rebates from the unused portion of your COE.

Bidding for COE

To bid for a COE, you will need to follow the bidding procedure.


You can submit your bid using:

  1. DBS/POSB ATM machines; or
  2. Internet banking (DBS, UOB or Maybank) – for corporate account holders only

After submitting your bid, you can check your bid status or revise your bid.


You will know if your bid is successful when the bidding results are announced.

Related digital services

Enquire COE bid online

Revise COE bid online    

Transfer TCOE

Confirm/Reject TCOE Transfer

Authorise/Reject Transfer of TCOE submitted by ESA


Understanding COE

All vehicles in Singapore require a COE. To register a vehicle, you must first place a bid for a Certificate of Entitlement (COE) in the corresponding vehicle category. A successful COE bid gives you the right to own a vehicle that can be used on the road for 10 years.

COEs are released through open bidding exercises conducted twice a month. You can submit your bid at ATM machines (for individuals) or via Internet banking (for corporate account holders). At the end of the 10-year COE period, you can choose to deregister your vehicle, or renew your COE by paying the Prevailing Quota Premium (PQP) for your vehicle category. The PQP is the moving average of COE prices in the last 3 months.

Open bidding exercises

Bidding exercises usually start at 12 pm on the first and third Monday of the month, and last for 3 working days. The exercises end in the same week, at 4 pm on Wednesday, if there is no public holiday in between.

Before the start of each bidding exercise, the bidding period and the number of COEs available for each category (the vehicle quota) will be announced.

See the results for past bidding exercises, and see the schedule of COE bidding exercises for 2024 (PDF, 63kB)


Vehicle Quota System (VQS)

The Vehicle Quota System (VQS) caps the number of new vehicles that can be registered in Singapore. This helps to control the vehicle population in Singapore given the limited road space. Together with Electronic Road Pricing (ERP), the VQS is one of the key pillars in our traffic management strategies.

The VQS classifies vehicles into 5 COE categories:  

Category A

For COEs obtained before the May 2022 1st COE bidding exercise:
Car with engine capacity up to 1,600cc and Maximum Power Output up to 97kW (130bhp)


For COEs obtained from the May 2022 1st COE bidding exercise onwards:

Non-fully electric cars with engines up to 1,600cc and Maximum Power Output up to 97kW (130bhp); and fully electric cars with Maximum Power Output up to 110kW (147bhp)

Category B

For COEs obtained before the May 2022 1st COE bidding exercise:

Car with engine capacity above 1,600cc or Maximum Power Output above 97kW (130bhp)


For COEs obtained from the May 2022 1st COE bidding exercise onwards:

Non-fully electric cars with engines above 1,600cc or Maximum Power Output above 97kW (130bhp); and fully electric cars with Maximum Power Output above 110kW (147bhp)

Category C*

 Goods vehicle and bus

Category D


Category E*

 Open – all except motorcycle

* You can only transfer COEs in Categories C and E once if you bid for them as an individual. If your bid is under a company, business or organisation, the COEs cannot be transferred. COEs in Categories A, B and D cannot be transferred.

The vehicle quota is updated every 3 months. Click here to see the vehicle quotas for the latest COE bidding exercise. 


Calculation of vehicle quota


Click on the image below for more information.


Renewing your COE

At the end of your 10-year COE period, you can choose to deregister your vehicle or renew your COE. If you want to renew your COE, you do not need to bid for it. You will only need to pay the PQP, which is the moving average of COE prices in the last 3 months.

Learn more about COE renewal

Deregistering your vehicle

If you choose to deregister your vehicle at the end of your 10-year COE period, you may be granted a rebate from any unused COE. The amount of COE rebate depends on the period of COE that is unused. You may also be granted Preferential Additional Registration Fee (PARF) rebates, depending on how old your car is.

Learn more about COE and PARF rebates when you deregister and dispose of a vehicle

How to bid for a COE

To bid for a COE, submit a bid during an open bidding exercise. Once your bid has been submitted and accepted by the bidding system, you cannot withdraw it.

If you are bidding for the COE in your capacity as an individual, you must be at least 18 years old. You can only submit one bid in each exercise using your own name, ID and bank account.

If you are bidding for a company or an organisation, you can submit more than one bid in each exercise.

Icon pdf Learn more about company bidding (PDF, 152kB)

How the COE open bidding system works

Calculation of COE Quota Premium

COE bidding procedure


1. Have sufficient funds in your bank account

2. Format of bidder ID

3. Indicate your reserve price

4. Pay bid deposit and administration fee

5. Receive your Acknowledgement Code


Where to submit your bid

There are 2 ways to submit your bid for COE — via DBS or POSB ATMs, or Internet banking services offered by DBS, UOB or Maybank. You must have a bank account with these banks to submit a bid. You cannot submit a bid on behalf of others using your own bank account.


Internet banking with DBS, UOB, or Maybank – for corporate accounts only


Checking your bid status

There are 2 ways you can enquire about your bid status.

LTA Open Bidding Website

Internet banking with DBS, UOB, or Maybank

Revising your bid

When your reserve price falls below the Current COE Price, you have been outbid. You can revise your bid upwards to remain in the running for a COE in the current exercise, or go for a new bidding exercise next time.

Bids must be revised upwards in multiples of $1. For each successful revision, you will receive a new Acknowledgement Code. You can make as many revisions as you want before the bidding exercise ends but note that you have to pay the bank an administration fee for each revision.

There are 3 ways to revise your bid:


Internet banking with DBS, UOB, or Maybank

LTA Open Bidding Website


Bidding results

Check your bidding results

For successful bids

After you win a bid, you will be given a Temporary COE (TCOE).  The TCOE is valid for 6 months for Categories A, B and D (for Category D TCOE obtained before the March 2022 2nd bidding exercise), 3 months for Categories C, D (for Category D TCOE obtained from the March 2022 2nd bidding exercise onwards and before the May 2023 1st bidding exercise) and E, and 1 month for Category D TCOE obtained from the May 2023 1st bidding exercise onwards. You must register your vehicle before your TCOE expires. Once the TCOE expires, it can no longer be used and you will forfeit your full bid deposit. 

When you register your vehicle, you have to pay the difference between the COE price and your bid deposit. If your bid deposit is more than the COE price, the difference will be used to offset the Registration Fee and Additional Registration Fee you pay to register your vehicle.

For unsuccessful bids

The bid deposit, after all administration fees have been deducted, will be refunded to your bank account one working day after the COE bidding results are announced. You can try again in the next bidding exercise.

Transferring of TCOEs

There are 2 ways to transfer your TCOEs:


Before Registration (Standalone Transaction)

Together with the Registration of New Vehicle