Update Vehicle's Road Tax and Insurance Validity
If you have a valid Autopass card and have just renewed your vehicle's road tax or purchased a new insurance cover, visit https://go.gov.sg/vepds-insureapp and update your road tax and insurance validity with LTA. You will receive LTA's VEP approval email within 5 working days if your application is successful. Please click here for a step-by-step video guide and supporting documents required in the application.
To receive a copy of the outcome of your recent application for Autopass card or to update your vehicle's road tax and insurance validity, please visit https://go.gov.sg/vepdsoutcome.
Your vehicle must have valid Autopass card, insurance, road tax and LTA's VEP approval email before it can enter Singapore. You are required to present the vehicle's certificate of insurance, road tax and vehicle registration certificate, together with the vehicle's Autopass card and LTA's VEP approval email upon request by authorised officers in Singapore.
Foreign-registered vehicles detected at Woodlands or Tuas Checkpoint without valid LTA's VEP approval email, Autopass card, insurance and road tax or are in violation of Singapore regulations will be turned back from Singapore. If the vehicle is found within Singapore, it would be subject to enforcement action including vehicle seizure.
If you need help with your VEP Digital Service (VEPDS) application, please call or visit our service centres (open 24 hours daily) located in Malaysia.