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Cars, motorcycles and scooters that are at least 35 years old from its original registration date can be registered under the Classic Vehicle Scheme.

At a glance

Understanding the Classic Vehicle Scheme 

To register a car, motorcycle or scooter under the Classic Vehicle Scheme, it must be at least 35 years old from its original registration date.


There are usage restrictions for classic vehicles.


From 1 January 2025, new registrations of diesel and diesel-natural gas cars (including imported used cars) and taxis will no longer be permitted. These restrictions will not apply to the import and registration of cars under the Classic Vehicle Scheme.

Importing and registering a classic car, motorcycle or scooter

Before you import and register a classic vehicle, check that it meets the registration and technical requirements.


You can also convert  your car, motorcycle or scooter to a classic vehicle, if it is at least 35 years old from its original registration date.

Driving your Classic Vehicle

From 1 January 2025, LTA will be replacing the current paper Day Licences with electronic Day (e-Day) Licences. Owners/drivers will no longer need to display the paper Day Licences when the vehicle is in use.


To use your vehicle, you must indicate a usage date for your free e-Day Licence or buy an e-Day Licence with a usage date. An e-Day Licence without a date is deemed not valid and cannot be considered as a used e-Day Licence for any day.


Refer to the sections below to learn more about the e-Day Licence features and how to buy, change usage date, cancel or enquire an e-Day Licence. The details can also be found in the e-Day Licence brochure for Classic and Vintage vehicles here.

Related digital services

Buy e-Day Licence

Enter Usage Date of e-Day Licence (Requires login)

Change Usage Date of e-Day Licence (Requires login)

Cancel e-Day Licence (Requires login)

Enquire e-Day Licence Usage

Declare Classic Vehicle Usage (Requires login)


Understanding the Classic Vehicle Scheme

You can import and register a classic car, motorcycle or scooter for use in Singapore under the Classic Vehicle Scheme.

Classic vehicles must be at least 35 years old from their original registration date. Older cars, motorcycles and scooters manufactured before 1 January 1940 are classified under the Vintage Vehicle Scheme. See the table below for more details on the Classic Vehicle Scheme.

Overview of Classic Vehicle Scheme

Vehicle Type

Classic Car

Classic Motorcycle or Scooter

Excise Duty
(Payable to Singapore Customs for importing a vehicle)

20% of Open Market Value (OMV)

12% of OMV

Certificate of Entitlement (COE)

10% of the Prevailing Quota Premium in the appropriate vehicle category.

Registration Fee (RF)


Additional Registration Fee (ARF)

For classic cars registered before 15 February 2023:

Open Market Value (OMV) ARF Rate (% of OMV to pay)
First $20,000 100%
Next $30,000
(i.e. $20,001 to $50,000)
Next $30,000
(i.e. $50,001 to $80,000)
Above $80,000
(i.e. $80,001 and above)


For classic cars registered on or after 15 February 2023:

Open Market Value (OMV) ARF Rate (% of OMV to pay)
First $20,000 100%
Next $20,000
(i.e. $20,001 to $40,000)
Next $20,000
(i.e. $40,001 to $60,000)
Next $20,000
(i.e. $60,001 to $80,000)
Above $80,000
(i.e. $80,001 and above)


Open Market Value

ARF Rate (% of OMV to pay)

First $5,000


Next $5,000

(i.e. $5,001 to $10,000)


Above $10,000

(i.e. $10,001 and above)


Road Tax

$280 per calendar year, expiring on 31 December each year.

Insurance Coverage

Motor insurance for the entire road tax period. The insurance must cover third-party liability for deaths and bodily injuries.


Your vehicle must go for periodic inspection and its registration number plates must be inspected once every 2 years at an LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre (AIC).



Once you have registered a vehicle under the Classic Vehicle Scheme, it cannot be converted to other vehicle schemes such as the normal vehicle or off-peak car schemes.

Classic vehicles cannot be laid up.

A person driving a classic vehicle through ERP-priced roads/entry points during operating hours must pay ERP and must have an In-Vehicle Unit (IU) installed in the vehicle.

The vehicle registration number plates of your classic vehicle must be sealed at an LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre (AIC).

You must apply to LTA for approval before breaking the vehicle registration number plate seal for repairs or carrying out other works on your classic vehicle.


Usage restrictions for classic vehicles

You can only use your classic vehicle for up to 45 days in a calendar year under the Classic Vehicle Scheme, including weekends and public holidays.

Electronic Day (e-Day) Licence

You will be issued 28 undated free e-Day Licences per calendar year when you register your vehicle under the scheme and when you renew your road tax annually. You can buy up to 17 additional e-Day Licences at $20 per licence for the calendar year.

You may enter the usage date or buy the e-Day Licence up to 2 weeks in advance of the usage date. If you change your mind about using it, you can cancel the e-Day Licence or change the usage date by 11.59pm on the day before the specified date of use. For example, if the specified date of use is 5 January 2025 and you wish to cancel the e-Day Licence or change the usage date, you must do so by 11.59pm on 4 January 2025. Check the timeline below.


If you are unable to buy or enter the usage date for the e-Day Licence prior to the use of the vehicle, you have up to 11.59pm on the next day of usage of the vehicle to do so.

e-Day Licences cannot be transferred to another vehicle, exchanged or refunded. e-Day Licences cannot be carried over to another calendar year.

Please ensure that your vehicle has valid insurance coverage when they are in use. It is an offence to use an uninsured vehicle.

You can access e-Day Licence services on One.Motoring through the following:

  1. Online Digital Services (Available all day except from midnight to 1am)
  2. By logging in to your dashboard

To access the respective Digital Services, click on "Digital Services", type the name of the Digital Service you wish to access e.g. "Buy e-Day Licence" or "Enter Usage Date of e-Day Licence" in the search field.



If you drove your classic vehicle without an e-Day Licence


It is an offence to use a classic vehicle without an e-Day Licence.

If you have driven your classic vehicle without an e-Day Licence, you have until 11.59pm the next day to indicate a usage date for an unused free e-Day Licence or buy an e-Day Licence. If you miss this deadline, you have 3 more days to make a declaration to LTA. If the usage of your vehicle is within the usage quota and the declaration is received within the 3-day period, a composition sum of $30.00 will be offered for driving your classic vehicle without an e-Day Licence. You can only declare the usage of your classic vehicle online (available all day except from midnight to 1am).

Announcement Shout-out

If you use your Classic Vehicle without a valid e-Day Licence, you may face a fine of up to $5,000 for the first offence, and a fine of up to $10,000 for subsequent offences.



Importing and registering a classic vehicle


Before importing and registering a classic vehicle, ensure that it meets the registration and technical requirements.

Registration requirements

Technical requirements


Process for importing and registering a classic vehicle

Here is a summary of the steps to import and register a classic vehicle. For more details, download the guides below.

1.     Check if your vehicle meets the registration and technical requirements.

2.     Ship the vehicle to Singapore through a shipping agent.

3.     Arrange with your shipping agent to obtain an Inward Cargo Clearance Permit.

4.     Decide whether you want to register the vehicle yourself or get a motor dealer to register the vehicle for you. If a motor dealer registers the vehicle on your behalf, they will carry out all or most of the subsequent steps for you.

5.     Your importer must submit an application for vehicle approval through the Vehicle Inspection and Type Approval System (VITAS). Upon approval, the vehicle must be inspected at an LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre (AIC).

6.     Submit documents for registration and pay at the LTA Customer Service Centre at 10 Sin Ming Drive Singapore 575701. 

7.     Collect your Registration Notification Letter and receipt from the LTA Customer Service Centre.

8.     Upon successful registration, a vehicle registration number will be assigned to the classic vehicle, unless a retained or bid vehicle registration number is used. You have 7 calendar days to affix the vehicle registration number plates on your vehicle, and then seal them at an LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre (AIC). The number plate for classic vehicles looks like this:


pdf Download the guide to import and register a classic car (PDF, 305kB)

pdf Download the guide to import and register a classic motorcycle or scooter (PDF, 401kB)


Converting your vehicle into a classic vehicle

You can convert your Singapore-registered cars, motorcycles or scooters to a classic vehicle.  Vehicles must be at least 35 years old from its original registration date. 

Learn how to convert your vehicle into a classic vehicle