You can convert your vehicle from one registration scheme to another.
At a glance
Understanding conversion schemes |
You can convert your vehicle to another scheme, depending on the requirements.
Before converting, ensure your COE is not expired. |
Converting your vehicle registration scheme |
There are different types of vehicle conversions.
For existing normal vehicles:
For vehicles under off-peak car Schemes - Weekend Car (WEC)/ Off-Peak Car (OPC)/ Revised Off-Peak Car (ROPC):
To convert a WEC/ OPC/ ROPC to a classic vehicle, it must first be converted to a normal car.
For existing vintage vehicles: Motorcycles or scooters registered under the Vintage (Normal) Vehicle Scheme have a restricted lifespan until 30 June 2028. |
Related digital services |
Understanding scheme conversion
You can convert your vehicle from one vehicle scheme to another. Vehicles on schemes other than the normal scheme will have restrictions on their usage and they may enjoy some benefits. Ensure your COE is not expired before applying to convert your vehicle. This page explains the steps to convert your vehicle to different schemes. For more information on the individual schemes, visit the specific pages below.
Converting A Normal Car to A ROPC or Converting A WEC / OPC / ROPC / To A Normal Car
There are 2 ways to convert your normal car to ROPC or from WEC / OPC / ROPC to normal car.
1. Online - using Singpass 2FA
Step-by-step guide for conversion
Step 1: Convert your vehicle online and make payment
You can convert the scheme of your car online @ (available from 6am to midnight daily). You will need to log in using Singpass 2FA.
You will need to pay:
- Administrative fee of $100
- Road Tax:
- For conversion to ROPC - One-year road tax under the ROPC scheme from the date of conversion
- For conversion to normal car - Road tax under the normal car scheme from the date of conversion
- Top-up fee for any unused upfront rebates from the Off-Peak Car scheme, if applicable
Top-up fee for any unused upfront rebates for Off Peak Car Scheme
Step 2: Change and seal vehicle registration number plate
An e-letter will be issued after successful conversion of your vehicle. You may retrieve it from the digital service “View e-Letters” (with Singpass login @
Upon successful conversion of the vehicle, you have 3 calendar days to:
- Change your vehicle registration number plates at a sign craft shop/workshop to reflect the new vehicle scheme.
- If your vehicle has been converted to a ROPC, seal the number plates at at any LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre (AIC). Please check with the respective AICs on their operating hours.
Below is an example of a vehicle registration number plate for a ROPC:
Below are examples of number plates of a normal vehicle scheme:
Learn about the lettering dimensions for vehicle licence plates.
Change and Seal the vehicle registration number plates for a ROPC
You are required to visit a sign craft shop/workshop to get the ROPC licence plate bracket and number plates before proceeding to any LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre for the sealing of the number plates.
Depending on the design of the number plate to be mounted and the services offered by the sign craft shop/workshop, some shops may require you to obtain pins from the Authorised Inspection Centre before the number plates may be mounted and sealed. Please check with the sign craft shop/workshop for the exact procedures to be taken.
Below is a list of some sign craft shops/workshops where you can change your vehicle licence plates*.
*This reference list is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by LTA. You may use the service of the sign craft shops/workshops in this reference list strictly at your own risk, and LTA will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of these workshops’ service. This is not the full list of sign craft shops/workshops available.
Signcraft Shops

2. At LTA Customer Service Centre - only for users not eligible for Singpass (i.e. Foreigners)
Step-by-step guide for conversion
Step 1: Write in via to make an appointment (preferably 1 week in advance) and bring the following documents for the appointment:
- Completed Application form (R10 (PDF, 166kB))
- Insurance certificate for the new road tax period (e.g. covering from the date of conversion to the last date of the year) and scheme
- Inspection certificate if the vehicle is due for periodic inspection or currently laid up
- Identification documents of the registered vehicle owner:
- For an individual owner (Foreign National without FIN):
- Original Passport of Current Owner or Letter from Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore/Ministry of Manpower on the return of Employment/ Immigration Pass Card or NRIC, and Original Passport
- For an individual owner (Foreign National without FIN):
- You will need to pay:
- Administrative fee of $100
- Top-up fee for any unused upfront rebates from the Off-Peak Car scheme, if applicable
- Road tax:
- Conversion to ROPC - One-year road tax under the ROPC scheme from the date of conversion
- Conversion to normal car - Road tax under the normal car scheme from the date of conversion
Step 2: Change and seal vehicle registration number plate
Upon successful conversion of the vehicle, you have 3 calendar days to:
- Change your vehicle registration number plates at a sign craft shop/workshop to reflect the new vehicle scheme.
- If your vehicle has been converted to a ROPC, seal the number plates at at any LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre (AIC). Please check with the respective AICs on their operating hours.
Below is an example of a vehicle registration number plate for a ROPC:
Below are examples of number plates of a normal vehicle scheme:
Learn about the lettering dimensions for vehicle licence plates.
Change and Seal the vehicle registration number plates for a ROPC
You are required to visit a sign craft shop/workshop to get the ROPC licence plate bracket and number plates before proceeding to any LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre for the sealing of the number plates.
Depending on the design of the number plate to be mounted and the services offered by the sign craft shop/workshop, some shops may require you to obtain pins from the Authorised Inspection Centre before the number plates may be mounted and sealed. Please check with the sign craft shop/workshop for the exact procedures to be taken.
Below is a list of some sign craft shops/workshops where you can change your vehicle licence plates*.
*This reference list is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by LTA. You may use the service of the sign craft shops/workshops in this reference list strictly at your own risk, and LTA will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of these workshops’ service. This is not the full list of sign craft shops/workshops available.
Signcraft Shops

If your vehicle has a 5-year COE period, you can convert it to a classic vehicle only if:
- The vehicle is more than 30 years old at the start of the 5-year COE period.
You must convert it to a classic vehicle when it reaches 35 years old, before the COE expires. Otherwise, you must deregister the vehicle as you cannot renew a 5-year COE. - You pay a levy for a vehicle that is more than 35 years old at the start of the 5-year COE period.
The levy is based on an annual interest rate of 5% applied on the difference between the Prevailing Quota Premium of the 10-year COE and the 5-year COE, taken from the month the 5-year COE of the vehicle was renewed.
Step-by-step guide for Classic Vehicle Conversion
Step 1: Convert your vehicle online and make payment
You can convert the scheme of your vehicle online @ (available from 6am to midnight daily). You will need to log in using Singpass 2FA.
You will need to pay:
- Administrative fee of $100
- The COE based on 10% of the relevant Prevailing Quota Premium of the month you convert your vehicle.
- Road tax of $280 per calendar year (from 1 January – 31 December)
- If your vehicle is registered or converted after 1 January, the road tax will be pro-rated from the date of conversion to the end of the calendar year. The number of Electronic Day (e-Day) Licences you get will also be pro-rated accordingly.
- Levy for vehicles older than 35 years at the start of its 5-year COE period
Step 2: Change and seal vehicle registration number plate
Upon successful conversion of the vehicle, you have 3 calendar days to:
- Change your vehicle registration number plates at a sign craft shop/workshop to reflect the new vehicle scheme.
- If your vehicle has been converted to a Classic vehicle, seal the number plates at at any LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre (AIC). Please check with the respective AICs on their operating hours.
Below is an example of a vehicle registration number plate for a Classic vehicle:
Learn about the lettering dimensions for vehicle licence plates.
Change and Seal the vehicle registration number plates for a Classic vehicle
You are required to visit a sign craft shop/workshop to get the Classic vehicle licence plate bracket and number plates before proceeding to any LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre for the sealing of the number plates.
Depending on the design of the number plate to be mounted and the services offered by the sign craft shop/workshop, some shops may require you to obtain pins from the Authorised Inspection Centre before the number plates may be mounted and sealed. Please check with the sign craft shop/workshop for the exact procedures to be taken.
Below is a list of some sign craft shops/workshops where you can change your vehicle licence plates*.
*This reference list is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by LTA. You may use the service of the sign craft shops/workshops in this reference list strictly at your own risk, and LTA will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of these workshops’ service. This is not the full list of sign craft shops/workshops available.
Signcraft Shops
Converting a Weekend Car (WEC) or Off-Peak Car (OPC) or Revised Off-Peak Car (ROPC) to a Classic Car
If your vehicle is a WEC/OPC/ROPC, you will have to convert it to a normal car, before you can convert your car to a classic car.
Convert your WEC/OPC/ROPC to normal car
Convert your normal car to a classic car
Once the car is converted to a classic vehicle, it cannot be converted back to a normal or off-peak car.
Converting a Weekend Car (WEC) to a Revised Off-Peak Car (ROPC)
You can convert your WEC to the ROPC scheme:
- Online (available from 6am to midnight daily)
- At AXS Stations (available from 6am to midnight daily)
You will need to pay:
- Administrative fee of $100
- One-year Road tax under the ROPC scheme from the date of conversion
Converting an Off-Peak Car (OPC) to a Revised Off-Peak Car (ROPC)
For a car that was registered as under the OPC scheme right from the start, you can convert:
- Online (available from 6am to midnight daily)
- At AXS Stations (available from 6am to midnight daily)
You will need to pay:
- Administrative fee of $100
- Road tax top-up under the ROPC scheme from the date of conversion
For an OPC that was converted from a normal car you can convert:
- Online (available from 6am to midnight daily)
You will need to pay:
- Administrative fee of $100
- Road tax top-up under the ROPC scheme from the date of conversion
Converting from any Vintage Vehicle Scheme to the Revised Vintage Vehicle Scheme
You can convert your existing Singapore-registered vintage vehicle to the Revised Vintage Vehicle Scheme. There are 3 types of vintage vehicle schemes:
- Vintage Normal Vehicle Scheme
- Vintage Restricted Vehicle Scheme
- Revised Vintage Vehicle Scheme
Some schemes have 2 modes – the ownership of the vehicle can be transferred, or cannot be transferred.
A vehicle converted out of the Vintage (Restricted) scheme cannot be converted back into the same scheme.
Possible conversions for different vintage vehicle schemes:
From |
Vintage |
Vintage (Normal) |
Vintage (Restricted) Vehicle Scheme (transferable) |
Vintage (Restricted) Vehicle Scheme |
Vintage (Normal) Vehicle Scheme (Transferable) |
✔ |
Vintage (Normal) Vehicle Scheme (Non-transferable) |
✔ |
✔ |
Vintage (Restricted) Vehicle Scheme (Transferable) |
✔ |
✔ |
Vintage (Restricted) Vehicle Scheme (Non-transferable) |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Revised Vintage Vehicle Scheme |
✔ |
Step-by-step guide for conversion to Vintage Vehicle
Step 1: Make an appointment and bring the following documents for the appointment:
- Completed Application form (R17 (PDF, 183kB))
- Insurance certificate for the new road tax period
- Inspection certificate if the vehicle is due for periodic inspection
- Identification documents of the registered vehicle owner:
- For an individual owner:
- Original NRIC* (for Singaporean/ Singapore PR) or Original Employment/ Immigration Pass Card* issued by the MOM/ ICA (for foreigner)
- For a company/ business/ limited liability partnership/ limited partnership:
- Original profile printout from the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) This printout must be valid up to 14 days from the date of issue
- Original NRIC* (for Singaporean/ Singapore PR) or Original Employment/ Immigration Pass Card* issued by the MOM/ ICA (for foreigner) of the authorised person from the company/ business/ limited liability partnership/ limited partnership
- Original authorisation letter, signed by at least a Manager or above, if the authorised person of the company/ business/ limited liability partnership/ limited partnership is not listed in the ACRA printout
- For a club/ association/ organisation:
- Original Registry of Societies Certificate printout or other certificate issued by the relevant regulating authority
- Original NRIC* (for Singaporean/ Singapore PR) or Original Employment/ Immigration Pass Card* issued by the MOM/ ICA (for foreigners) of the authorised person from the club/ association/ organisation
- For an individual owner:
* Physical NRIC or long-term pass card or Digital Identity Card (Digital IC) launched via the Singpass app. Images or videos of the identity card/pass/Digital IC will not be accepted.
- You will need to pay:
- Administrative fee of $100
- At the point of conversion, any unused COE under the current scheme will be forfeited. ARF paid is not refundable.
Step 2: Change and seal vehicle registration number plate
Upon successful conversion of the vehicle, you have 3 calendar days to:
- Change your vehicle registration number plates at a sign craft shop/workshop to reflect the new vehicle scheme.
- If your vehicle has been converted to a Vintage vehicle, seal the number plates at at any LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre (AIC). Please check with the respective AICs on their operating hours.
Below is an example of a vehicle registration number plate for a Vintage vehicle:
Learn about the lettering dimensions for vehicle licence plates.
Change and Seal the vehicle registration number plates for a Vintage vehicle
You are required to visit a sign craft shop/workshop to get the Vintage vehicle licence plate bracket and number plates before proceeding to any LTA-Authorised Inspection Centre for the sealing of the number plates.
Depending on the design of the number plate to be mounted and the services offered by the sign craft shop/workshop, some shops may require you to obtain pins from the Authorised Inspection Centre before the number plates may be mounted and sealed. Please check with the sign craft shop/workshop for the exact procedures to be taken.
Below is a list of some sign craft shops/workshops where you can change your vehicle licence plates*.
*This reference list is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by LTA. You may use the service of the sign craft shops/workshops in this reference list strictly at your own risk, and LTA will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of these workshops’ service. This is not the full list of sign craft shops/workshops available.