* Quota available for bidding for Category D comprises:
1. 518 as announced in Quota News Release for February 2025–April 2025,
2. 7 unallocated COE from 2nd bidding exercise of February 2025, and
3. 0 for return of expired TCOE, net of adjustments for appeals.
* Quota available for bidding for Categories A, B, C and E comprises:
1. 1,138/744/258/197 (Cat A/B/C/E) Quota as announced in Quota News Release for February 2025–April 2025, and
2. 0/3/19/1 (Cat A/B/C/E) unallocated COEs from 2nd bidding exercise of February 2025.
- The details for Categories A and B are as follows:
For COEs obtained from the May 2022 1st COE bidding exercise onwards:
Non-fully electric cars with engines up to 1,600cc and Maximum Power Output up to 97kW (130bhp); and fully electric cars with Maximum Power Output up to 110kW (147bhp)
For COEs obtained from the May 2022 1st COE bidding exercise onwards:
Non-fully electric cars with engines above 1,600cc or Maximum Power Output above 97kW (130bhp); and fully electric cars with Maximum Power Output above 110kW (147bhp)
- Temporary Certificates of Entitlement (TCOEs) for Categories A, B and D (for Category D TCOEs obtained before the March 2022 2nd COE bidding exercise) are valid for 6 months. For example:
- A Category A TCOE obtained during the January 2022 1st COE bidding exercise will be valid until 14 July 2022
- A Category A TCOE obtained during the January 2022 2nd COE bidding exercise will be valid until 31 July 2022
- TCOEs for Categories C, D (for Category D TCOEs obtained from the March 2022 2nd COE bidding exercise onwards and before the May 2023 1st COE bidding exercise) and E are valid for 3 months. For example:
- A Category E TCOE obtained during the January 2022 1st COE bidding exercise will be valid until 14 April 2022
- A Category E TCOE obtained during the January 2022 2nd COE bidding exercise will be valid until 30 April 2022
- TCOEs for Category D obtained from the May 2023 1st COE bidding exercise onwards are valid for 1 month. For example:
- A Category D TCOE obtained during the May 2023 1st COE bidding exercise will be valid until 14 June 2023
- A Category D TCOE obtained during the May 2023 2nd COE bidding exercise will be valid until 30 June 2023
- Cars registered using TCOEs obtained from the February 2014 1st COE bidding exercise onwards but before the May 2022 1st COE bidding exercise will pay PQP for COE renewals based on the following:
- Car with engine capacity up to 1,600cc and Maximum Power Output up to 97kW (130bhp) - pay Category A PQP
- Car with engine capacity above 1,600cc or Maximum Power Output above 97kW (130bhp) - pay Category B PQP
- Cars registered using TCOEs obtained from the May 2022 1st COE bidding exercise onwards will pay PQP for COE renewals based on the following:
- Non-fully electric cars with engines up to 1,600cc and Maximum Power Output up to 97kW (130bhp); and fully electric cars with Maximum Power Output up to 110kW (147bhp) - pay Category A PQP
- Non-fully electric cars with engines above 1,600cc or Maximum Power Output above 97kW (130bhp); and fully electric cars with Maximum Power Output above 110kW (147bhp) - pay Category B PQP
- Please visit this link to enquire/revise your bid.
- How to bid
- Statistics - Quota Allocations, Previous Bidding Results including Prevailing Quota Premium (PQP)